A strong experience
Design services

Thanks to our long experience and our large cooperation network, we can produce a cost-effective and reliable design in accordance with best practices and current standards in the field.

We design pressure vessels, workshop tanks, large storage tanks, silos, reactors, heat exchangers and other similar process equipment based on our customers’ process design and, if necessary, apply for third-party approvals for the design.

Typical design standards for our products are e.g. SFS-EN13445, EN14015, SFS- EN1993-4-1, SFS-EN 1993-4-2 and SFS EN13480

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Our own factory standard for tank products

SKM Stainless uses its own factory standard for tank products, which has allowed us to standardize many details and technical solutions that repeat across different products in different variations. Our factory standards are designed so that any technical solutions that follow them are simultaneously in conformity with both the industry’s common practices and requirements as well as the requirements of our many different clients. By standardizing various technical solutions we can see the benefit of serial work also in the manufacture of individual tanks and products, which would otherwise not be possible.

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